Never miss another important email from your boss again with Microsoft Flow! Many people receive a few hundred emails making it hard to keep up and heaven forbid you miss that important one from your manager that got lost in the noise. Here is a great way to setup a push notification to your phone when you receive an email from your manager.
What is Microsoft Flow?
Microsoft Flow is a cloud based system that allows users to create automated workflows and tasks across multiple applications and services. There are many pre-made templates available from the community for common tasks.
Setup Push Notification for Emails Recieved from Manager:
Goto the Flow Homepage.
You may need to signup and can see the pricing details found here. Note: there is a FREE offering limited to 750 runs per month with 15-min checks and a FREE offering with O365 limited to 2000 runs per month and 5-min checks.
Once logged in search for Push Notifications and select the one called ‘Get a push notification when you receive an email from your boss.‘
Click on Create Flow.
Now go to the My Flows tab on the left and select to edit the newly added Flow.
Here you can see the Flow steps and can dig into the details of each step. I will leave this alone since the default template works for my environment.
Now download the Microsoft Flow application from the app store for your phone.
Login with your Work ID and you should start seeing it trigger each time. You can also see it in the flow under Runs:
All set now make sure you respond to those emails!